Friday, May 1, 2015

4 Reasons You Should Be Wearing Leather Right Now


Sexy has a name, and that name is “leather.” Think about that person you saw walking down the street the other day. Were they sexy? Your answer depends wholly on whether or not he or she was wearing leather, does it not? No? You’re wrong. Leather is the defining line between hot or not, and now is your chance to act. All of those weight loss pill commercials, the advertisements for hair regrowth and skinny jeans to make you more attractive? Those are just fluff when it comes to the impact leather will have upon you and your self-esteem. So go ahead, grab a pair of leather pants, er, a leather jacket. Don’t do leather pants. We’ll touch on that later.

Do you want to be badass? Do you want to look like you could be surrounded by ninjas, a dragon, or your dog and still come out of it breathing? Well, look no further than the material cyclists discovered likely hundreds of years before us. They knew of its ancient awesomeness and now it’s your turn to go bask in the glory of the tanned animal skin.

So go get that leather jacket because…

4. Leather Is a Timeless Look

From the days of the Fonz to the awful comedy Wild Hogs, leather has mystified us with its elegance and badassery. There’s no competing with the chosen look of a wild biker. If you’re looking for something that will go with every and any outfit, you choose leather. It will go with your dress outfit, your jeans, your skinny jeans maybe, and even shorts (don’t try that, though). Leather embodies all that is good about human-kind. It comes from the tanned skin of our fallen enemies, us wearing it like the warriors that came before us. It has always been, and will always be, the look that best embodies what mankind is all about: badassness.

Even if you’re one of the ones that thinks they’re not the badass type, afraid to don the leather that will surely show it off, you too can wear leather because of its awesome effects on the human body; it turns you into a badass. Go ahead, try it. Run to your local Kohl’s, try on that Marc Anthony and you’ll realize what you’ve been missing out on this entire time. It’s time for you to join the ranks and realize that leather can be for anyone. It is, after all, a classic look that will work for anyone from the Fonz even to you.

3. Health Benefits

Think back to the Fonz here for a moment. Was he ever sick? Did he have the time be sick? People wearing leather are generally too cool and carry with that in their natural defense against not only ninja-lions, but also against the common cold.

In addition to being the coolest look you’ll ever don, leather carries with it numerous health benefits. Leather offers great protection against the elements, especially when faced with wind, rain, the cold, and we can only assume Firebenders.

Of course, aside from elemental protection, you have the obvious reason that bikers wear leather while riding their death machines: It will keep them alive in a crash, which is why many suggest that you actually complete the look with leather pants, for extra safety. Now, if you never intend on crashing the motorcycle, you still may want to wear leather for the above reason of protection against the elements, which would cause windburn or sunburn while riding the motorbikes without the leather.

Back to the leather pants you’ve been desperate to hear more about now. You’ve been sitting there wondering why you should wear leather jackets, but not the matching leather pants. Well, tight-fitting clothing (for men) actually lowers sperm counts. And seeing as leather pants are typically associated with “tightness,” you may want to reconsider the matching outfit. “What about baggy leather pants then, Sonny?” you’re probably asking now. Well, go ahead and take a peek here if you’re interested in those.

2. Your Favorite (And Every) Character Wears Leather

A dark leather jacket has generally signified the entrance of a “bad boy” type of character into a movie or show. You know they’re going to be dark, brooding, and most likely creepily quiet when you see that sexy tanned animal skin. Think back for a moment to Arnold’s rendition of the Terminator. He was a killing machine and he wanted to get that point across. So, what does he do? He murders the crap out of a dude wearing a leather jacket just to take it, right? Actually no. That’s not until the second movie that he gets his iconic leather look.
Abs featured in every movie, however.

Point is that leather is the look of not only badasses, but immortal badasses. Well, at least until he died. And then came back. Then died. But he’ll “be back” in Genisys. And then probably die.

The next leather-clad character we’d like to discuss is indisputably the most badass character on television right now: Daryl Dixon. Most people have a hard enough time relating to a badass character, regardless of his sexuality. With Daryl, however, most people would have an even harder time relating. He wields one of the coolest weapons of all: the crossbow, blew up a tank, and, as probably expected, rides a pretty sweet motorcycle in the land of the zomb- er, Walkers.

Did we mention he blew up a tank?

And then for those of you who are more magically inclined, the show Once Upon a Time features so much leather even the books are made from it. It would be hard to find one of the main characters (see: magical antiheroes) not wearing the material that makes panties (or boxers) hit the floor harder than a dropped iPhone.
"Oops, I think I dropped something. And it wasn't my phone."

Regardless of what type of show you’re into, leather has become the universal sign for sexy and badassery amongst television’s most popular characters.

1. Sex Appeal

Some of the characters above give a good enough representation of why we love the look of leather. The pictures do most of the talking, the brooding comes through quite nicely when admiring people in the sexy getups. However, leather’s sex appeal goes beyond the obvious. For some people, the love of leather takes a different twist; it takes a much more obsessive twist into fetish territory.

Leather is traditionally worn as, well, as we’ve discussed; it’s worn as a nice accessory to compliment someone who is already on his or her way to becoming awesome. For others, it becomes a tool to play out their fantasies. Some believe that desires like these come from wires crossing in the brain, causing a link to be formed between sexual wants and the given objects or actions. Still others may claim that it comes from the object being present while a sexual stimulus is also being presented. We prefer to believe that the fetish simply comes from magic fibers in leather that makes us all want the person wearing it.

Aside from fetishes, leather generally has a great natural look to it. As a jacket, it makes for a great almost-warm kind of comfortable feel to it. As for leather pants, we won’t go there.

Thanks for reading and follow Sonny on Twitter @fourcornerstuds. If you like his writing style, check out his book here. Remember to subscribe by e-mail at the top of the page for more!


  1. Let us know what you think of the leather and its natural magical abilities. Do you wear leather too? We'd love to know.

  2. Great article about leather. I got knowledge of leather.
